The dog days of summer are here. For many, this season comes with endless possibilities for having fun with your pets, like picnics, nature walks, and swimming pools. But, as temperatures rise, so do the risk factors for heat and summer-related dangers. We want to share with you some of the hidden hazards associated with summer activities that pets and their owners adore.
Blue-Green Algae During scorching hot summer days, dog owners often plan walks that include water sources to keep their pets cool and hydrated. However, many freshwater ponds and lakes can host dangerous blue-green algae, which are actually microscopic bacteria called “cyanobacteria” that thrive in temperatures above 75º. These algae are highly toxic and can cause seizures, neurological damage, liver failure, and death in pets. To prevent pets from becoming sick, owners should never let them drink from water sources with green scum on top, provide fresh water from home while on walks, rinse them off after swimming, and avoid unsupervised exploration of freshwater ponds and lakes.

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