Pet Surgery
Listed below are some of the more common surgical procedures that we perform. This is not an exhaustive list so please reach out if your pet needs a surgical procedure not referenced in this list.
Bladder Stone Removal
CO2 Laser
Laceration Repairs
Neuter (Boys)
Spay (Girls)
Tumor Removal
Our experienced veterinarians provide many surgical services at our clinic, ranging from routine to advanced procedures. Because we want to ensure that our patients receive the best possible outcome, we occasionally refer them to specialists (board-certified veterinary surgeons) to perform complex operations when advanced equipment or training will be beneficial. Our veterinary team takes every precaution so that your pet receives the highest-quality care. We perform a physical exam and pre-anesthetic testing before surgery, monitor your pet during surgery, and provide appropriate pain medication to keep your pet comfortable during recovery.
Dr. Green in particular enjoys a surgical challenge and can perform additional surgeries not listed here, including total ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy (TECABO), splenectomy for splenic tumors, intestinal biopsy for inflammatory bowel or cancer diagnosis, and toe, tail, and limb amputations. If you believe your pet needs surgery, please schedule an appointment so our veterinarians can discuss your pet’s condition, surgical or other treatment options, and what complications may occur during or after the procedure.
Laceration Repairs
Pets are professional troublemakers! They can get hurt in lots of ways; often resulting in cuts to the skin, or lacerations. Lacerations can be caused by altercations with other animals or cars as well. Dr. Green has extensive experience in wound care and finds great joy in the process of healing wounds.
Lacerations and wounds range from simple to complex. Simple wounds and lacerations can be closed using sutures or staples and generally heal within 10-14 days. Complex wounds can take several weeks of frequent bandage changes and multiple surgeries. Don’t worry; we will be with you every step of the way.
Cystotomy (Bladder Stone Removal)
Bladder stones are stones that form in the urinary bladder. This is different from kidney stones, which are luckily fairly rare in our pets. Bladder stones form when minerals that are normally being excreted in your pet’s urine are allowed to precipitate and form a physical stone. These stones can vary in size from tiny pebbles to almost river stone size depending on the underlying cause and the amount of time that passes before treatment. There are several factors that allow bladder stones to form. One of the most common causes of bladder stones is a urinary tract infection, as the bacteria involved will form stones. Other causes can include a high urine pH which can be a result of an inappropriate diet, urine sitting in the bladder for excessive periods of time, or genetics.
While some kinds of stones can be treated medically (without surgery), some stones require surgical removal. Our veterinarians can talk to you about the risks and benefits of this surgery, as well as complications, and future preventive measures to prevent new stones from forming in the future.
Pain Management
We now know that animals experience pain in much the same way as people. We use our knowledge of pain medication and pain relief strategies to prevent and manage pain in pets, both before and after surgery and in the event of an injury or infection. We can also ease pain caused by chronic diseases, such as arthritis.
Ask us about our pain management options and plans, which we will tailor to your pet’s medical condition and individual needs.
CO2 Laser Surgery
CO2 laser surgery for pets is a surgical technique that utilizes a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser to perform various procedures on animals. In the case of Intracoastal West Veterinary Hospital, located in Jacksonville, FL, it is a veterinary practice that may offer CO2 laser surgery among its services.
CO2 laser surgery at Intracoastal West Veterinary Hospital, or any other veterinary clinic that provides this service, would involve the use of a specialized CO2 laser device. This laser emits a focused beam of light energy that can precisely cut or vaporize tissue during surgical procedures.
The specific applications of CO2 laser surgery for pets can vary depending on the condition being treated and the expertise of the veterinary surgeon. Some common procedures that can be performed using CO2 laser surgery in pets include:
- Tumor removal: CO2 laser surgery can be used to excise tumors in a precise and controlled manner, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
- Soft tissue surgeries: It is commonly employed for procedures like skin tumor removal, lump removal, spay or neuter surgeries, eyelid surgeries, and anal gland surgery.
- Oral surgeries: CO2 lasers can be used in oral procedures such as gingivectomy (gum tissue removal), oral tumor removal, and frenectomy (removal of oral tissue that restricts movement).
- Ear surgeries: CO2 laser surgery may be utilized in ear surgeries to treat conditions like aural hematoma (blood-filled swelling in the ear flap) or the removal of polyps.
If you are specifically interested in CO2 laser surgery for your pet at Intracoastal West Veterinary Hospital in Jacksonville, FL, it’s recommended to contact us directly, we can provide you with more information regarding the surgical options, pricing, and scheduling of the procedure for your pet.
Why Laser Surgery?
Minimized bleeding, reduced risk of infection, less post-operative pain, swelling and discomfort, and the ability to resume normal activities sooner.
Traditional surgery with a scalpel or scissors can bruise or crush soft tissue, while a powerful, concentrated laser beam has the unique ability to instantly vaporize or “erase” unhealthy tissue, as well as make incisions.
The laser minimizes pain, swelling, and bleeding often associated with surgery. The beam simultaneously kills any bacteria in its path (i.e. bactericidal effect). Also, during CO2 laser surgery, only an intense beam of laser light touches the tissue, which reduces the risk of potential post-operative infection even more. While cutting, ablating or coagulating tissue, the laser seals capillaries, small blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerve endings. Sealed nerve endings mean more comfort for the patient after surgery, and sealed lymph nodes mean less swelling post-operatively.
Real Review of the CO2 Laser
“Our puppy had a small incision and only felt a bit icky for two days. We would most definitely recommend the laser surgery to other pet owners. We feel that it was less painful and less stressful for our puppy. Overall, it was wonderful!”
– Kimberly T.
When do we use the CO2 Laser?
The CO2 Laser is standard for all of our surgical procedures at Intracoastal West Veterinary Hospital.
The surgical CO2 laser allows for near bloodless surgical procedures with rapid and uneventful recovery.
The CO2 Laser is extremely successful and used for incision, excision, vaporization, ablation, and coagulation of soft-tissue in many veterinary general surgical procedures.

- Laser Spay & Laser Neuter
- Total Ear Canal Ablations
- Mastectomies (removal of breast tumors)
- Oral Masses & Tongue Lesions
- Tumors, Cysts & Skin Tags
- Mass Removals (lipomas and some internal organs)
- Vulvoplasty (episioplasty)
- Gingival Hyperplasia (overgrowth of gum tissue around the teeth)
- Cystotomies (for bladder stone removal)
- Entropion (eyelid lifts)
- Enucleations (eye removals)
- Aural Hematomas (blood within the cartilage of the ear and the skin)
- Stenotic Nares (pinched or narrowed nostrils)
- Soft Palate Resection (improve breathing)
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma (skin cancer)
- Ceruminous Gland Adenomas (tumors of the earwax glands)
WHY Choose Our Team?
Dr. Katherine Green & Dr. Kyra Marsigliano
- 20+ Years of Combined Experience
- Laser Surgery Specialists
- Pediatric Spay/Neuter Experts
- 0% 12-Month Financing with Third Party Financing
- Accepts Pet Insurance
- Chairman of the Jacksonville Veterinary Medical Society