If your dog is leaving holes all over your yard, it’s important to know your dog isn’t doing it out of spite or a desire to destroy your landscaping; more likely they’re seeking entertainment, attention, prey or to escape.
Your dog may be digging for entertainment if:
- They’re left alone in the yard for long periods of time without the company of their human family.
- Their environment is relatively barren—with no playmates or toys.
- They’re a puppy or adolescent and don’t have other outlets for their energy.
- They’re a terrier or other breed that was bred to dig.
- They’re an active breed who needs a job to be happy.
- They’ve recently seen you gardening or working in the yard.

What can you do?
- Walk your dog at least twice daily. Lack of exercise is a leading cause of behavioral problems.
- Play with them using active toys (balls, flying disks) as often as possible.
- Teach your dog a few commands or tricks. Practice these every day for five to 10 minutes.
- Take a training class with your dog and practice what you learn daily.
- Keep interesting toys in the yard to keep your dog busy when you’re not around.
They can also be digging to escape. If so, try to figure out why your dog is trying to escape and remove those incentives. Make sure their environment is a safe, appealing place for a dog.
Last but not least, hunting. Search for signs of burrowing animals, then use safe, humane methods to fence them out, exclude them or make your yard or garden unattractive to them.
If you still are at a loss, give our hospital a call to consult with one of our professionals for additional help. (904) 436-PETS (7387)
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